Welcome to the website of the Revd Dr Suse McBay. She is an Anglican vicar, biblical scholar, preacher, and teacher. Visit her blog to find out the latest on what she's up to:

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About Me

Start here to find out more about Suse, where she’s from and some of how God has called her and shaped her life.


Sermons & Talks

Suse has preached and taught on a range of biblical texts and topics. She particularly loves preaching on texts that don’t usually get a lot of airtime! Take a look at a selection of her talks...



Dr McBay’s academic research includes the development of the divine warrior tradition in the second Temple period, the Sibylline Oracles and Stoic cosmological imagery.


What's new:

By Suse McBay 09 Sep, 2024
Sermon preached at St Martin's Episcopal Church on September 8th, 2024 on Psalm 146.
By Suse McBay 28 Aug, 2024
This is the first follow-up post to the "Is it the "End of Days"? Reading the Bible faithfully in the digital age (Part 1)."
By Suse McBay 08 Aug, 2024
My morning readings include one or two from the desert fathers, Becoming Fire (Ed. by Tim Vivian, 2008, Liturgical Press). This morning's reading told the following story:
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